Food Glorious Food!
Our Campers and staff enjoy two snacks, a hot lunch and ice cream daily at Woodmont. Lunch always includes a hot entree, salad bar and fresh fruit. Additional daily lunch options include bagels (plain or with butter/cream cheese/sun butter) and yogurt.
Morning snack (served between arrival and lunch) is typically a personal bag of pretzels, goldfish crackers or dipsy doodles. Afternoon snack (served between lunch and departure) is typically fruit. We end every day with ice cream which is typically a popsicle, fudgsicle or ice cream sandwich. Each Village has the opportunity to visit our Ice Cream Shack weekly to select their own special ice cream treat.
We are nut aware and do not serve any products that contain peanuts or tree nuts. Our Dietary Specialist works closely with campers with allergies and/or dietary restrictions and their families as well as our Head Chef, Village Leaders, Nurses and Cooking Specialists. All of our foods are 100% trans fat free.
Click here to see a sample of our lunch offerings.